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Good morning Misfits.
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You are tuning into another episode of the Misfit Podcast.
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On today's episode we are going full open preview.
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We're going to talk about some of our favorite and least favorite open workouts.
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A few open stories make some predictions.
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Just get people excited to get started on the 2025 open.
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Before we do that, as always, we get into the live chat.
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Hunter Seb what's going on?
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You're live over there, big dog yeah, your life chat is yeah, I'm on the tail end of a pretty gnarly I.
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I think just based on google, is like a norovirus type thing, basically like a 24-hour stomach bug.
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But um, yeah, over the course of realistically like a two and a half hour period, I went from I can't wait to go home to there is nothing in my body as I'm throwing up outside the gym, not as a result of exercise.
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So, yeah, first time, and I'll probably maybe ever, actually definitely first time ever I've had to like cancel a class.
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Luckily there was only two folks getting ready to do some box squats, um, but and then went home, proceeded to complete the emptying process.
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Uh, yep and I'm tracking yeah, just just bad, just a bad time, and I don't, I don't get those too often.
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I were just we're just talking about it a little bit but yeah, I haven't had, like I haven't had sickness induced vomiting since I got food poisoning in college, which courtesy of the VMI mess hall, which is to be to be honest.
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to be be honest, the fact that only happened one time is a fucking miracle, but, um, oh shit there's this dude on instagram that is like a chemist and he tests water from fast food restaurants bruh you don't want to know.
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Like he went into an arby's and just got water and was like you want to like when you do it in the Petri dish and you like do the culture you want, like I think each dot is like a hundred or a thousand bacteria and he's like five thousand either.
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Five hundred, five thousand is like pretty high and he was like there are 50 dots on this and it's just like fuck, you could get like crazy sick literally from just getting water from a fast food restaurant.
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It's like fucking bird flus having a fucking after party.
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Yeah, it was terrifying.
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It was like are you interested in this?
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And I'm like, huh, yes and no, I don't want to know this shit.
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Then again, I don't remember the last time From like the fountain I can't imagine.
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It's like the ice the ice was just a little bit worse than it was supposed to be, but the water was bad.
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So they don't like clean their water lines.
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Basically, and it's funny because he has, he puts like legal disclaimers in there.
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He's like I'm not saying this is arby's, I'm saying it's this arby's, and.
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And they brought up the protocol that they have for cleaning the machine and everything.
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And it's like if they don't do this, then it doesn't matter.
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But I was like God, I don't like this.
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I don't like this at all.
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I do like this, but I don't.
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Yes, exactly.
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I don't need to know shit like that.
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Like I'm good, Seb, what you got.
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I, boys you know, made my trek to Portland, maine, this morning, so just arrived a few minutes ago, just excited.
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I came to see Hunter, but Hunter didn't want to see me so he stayed home.
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Yeah, he made up this elaborate story Makes sense.
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Yeah, I remember the hour and a half guy.
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I remember the old days of so I used to.
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I would work my construction job and then do a shot of espresso and sleep for 30 minutes and then go coach the evening classes at the gym.
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And I remember those days where you were at the gym for consecutive classes and you knew that you were going to be sick the next day.
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And it's like building and you can feel it and you're just like can, like it's really hard to pay attention, it's really hard to like coach a good class, so like that's what I was thinking of.
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This is like a couple of coughs.
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You're like, oh, no, no, oh, don't do this to me.
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Yeah, uh, all right, so I have a couple of of updates for our, our, um, long-time listeners.
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So I think I I talked about being sick on one of the episodes, didn't I?
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I don't fucking remember, to be honest or at least you guys missed an episode a week and a half ago after yep traveling home um your boy weighs 188 pounds as of this morning.
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Um that's down one pound from the sink yesterday.
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Down one pound, yes, um, so that's a problem.
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Um, I talked to you guys about how my my cardiovascular markers on my blood test weren't fantastic.
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So I've made some changes in the way that I eat, and I don't know.
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I mean, I've been keeping up with calories.
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I don't know if it's because I've been focusing on keeping like the fiber higher.
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Um, like like digestion piece there, that kind of thing.
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Protein is definitely really high.
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Um, burn more calories digesting protein, and probably digesting fiber, than anything else.
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Um, so I gotta, I gotta get to work.
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I gotta get to work a little bit.
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What I will say, though, is I talked significant shit on one episode about ground turkey.
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Um, I've been working on it a little bit.
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I've been working on how I cook it, what I do, so, like I will basically like you can get those, yeah, you know those spice packets, um, that have like a thickening agent in it, so be like taco seasoning or fajita seasoning, whatever that kind of thing.
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Um, so one batch.
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I did that, and I reduced down a ton of bone chicken, bone broth in it.
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Um, to like, get a little bit closer to that like demi-glaze kind of like the, like a real reduction, like you would in like a, like a meat sauce or something like that.
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And then I did it longer with the seasoning packet to kind of thicken it up a little bit.
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That went pretty well with rice.
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So, um, like I don't know, I'm just literally just eating chicken like nonstop, and when I have time I make tuna steaks.
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Um, and then the other thing I did was the same thing, basically as like a fake bolognese.
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So I did ground Turkey, reduce the stock way down, little bit of red sauce in there, and then I put a ton of olive oil and all my stuff to try to help with those cardiovascular numbers.
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So I'm coming around to it a little bit.
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Um, still not beef, it just ain't beef.
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I was going to say it sounds like you're limiting, limiting red meat.
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I am basically replacing almost all of the fat in my diet with olive oil, avocado and fat from fish, so whether that's fish oil, like that kind of thing.
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So the funny thing is is it's like this is one of those things that gets highly politicized, right Like do you eat high fat?
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Do you eat low fat?
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It's like fat dangerous, it's saturated fat bad for you, that sort of thing.
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And I still I'm the kind of person I'm always going to get roughly 30% of my calories from fat.
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Like my testosterone numbers were great and it took me a long time after my last concussion to get my testosterone numbers back up and I do credit a decent amount of that with being like one of the things that happens hormonally to your body when you are on a low fat diet is shit.
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Being like one of the things that happens hormonally to your body when you are on a low fat diet is shit, really gets out of whack.
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So I need to find out whether I can still have 80, 90, a hundred grams of fat a day and get those markers back down.
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Um, so that's where I'm at with that.
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I'm really interested.
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Interested to see I'm going to until I can move the needle.
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Um, I'll probably go quarterly on Bloodwork, so I'll have an update beginning of April, something to that effect, and then that segues very easily into 11 rotations through Project Lollipops.
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I have finally failed a rep.
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But did I fail the rep because I lost 19 and three quarters this was three by ten.
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I started at 90, 95 pounds, 100 pounds and 10 weeks later I was at 130, 135, 140 um and I.
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I hit that for yes, for strict press, and then this week I hit 130, 140 and then got eight and a half reps at 145 or 135, 140, 145, um, the.
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The funny thing is is it's not.
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It doesn't seem to be as much about when I'm like warming up, that like I couldn't do 145 for 10.
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It's that 135 and 140 for the first 20 reps.
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You can feel the difference, obviously, even if you have that rest in there.
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So I don't know if it happened because I lost the weight and didn't lift for a week and a half, that kind of thing.
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Obviously there's a mass moves, mass kind of situation.
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I wanted to write it out longer because it would be cool to just be doing I don't know tens at like 165.
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But um, that means I get to rewrite the program and I'm not repeating the same three sessions over 11 times so that makes it fun for me.
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Do you think you would?
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So that makes it fun for me.
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Do you think you would?
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It would work if you did it.
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It did the session in reverse.
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If you were like 145, 140, 135 for someone with your like muscle, with having obviously just having the juice for that first set Cause you could obviously probably do it then yes, but I would only do, I would probably only do drop sets for someone trying to gain muscle or someone in the opposite situation as me, because the thing that I am missing is the ability to do that.
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So my mind goes to, like, what can't you do?
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Try to improve that.
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And I can tell you like I had a couple in the middle one 10, one 15, one 20 that were actually kind of challenging, um, so I made it further than I thought I was going to hit one 70 for six on my fives.
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So basically now what I'll do is I'll go fours, um, and then I'll go eights on the volume stuff and I'll back up a couple of weeks so that I do have runway again.
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Like one of the reasons why this works is because I did start at my runway again.
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Like one of the reasons why this works is because I did start at my my fives were at 110 through 125 and my tens were at 90 through 100 and like I got myself some runway on moving the barbell, moving it with some speed, like that kind of thing, um, and the speed days in there, and honestly I just keep rotating it because it works.
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There's some west side, like like people that are obsessed with west side barbell that will do like a drop set vibe, so they'll.
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They'll do like threes and then when they feel like they're slowing down they go to twos.
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But for me I've just been basically going like 115 to 130, like on sequential weeks, and then I just turn around and start either at the same number or one one session, like that kind of thing, and it just keeps working.
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So I don't know that I'll change that, but I do get to change my accessories and stuff and some of my rep schemes, which I think is like part of what keeps someone doing well in training is they don't get bored of what they're doing.
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Sure, yep, all right.
00:12:06.620 --> 00:12:08.567
Uh, before we get into the open preview, we got a few housekeeping items here um.
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First one if you would like to be read on the misfit leaderboard weekly in our open review podcast and you want to be entered in to win weekly prizes, um, that will include a gear pack with our new logo.
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Um, in the final week, which will be exciting, um, use the hashtag misfit athlete.
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A lot of you already have.
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The leaderboard already populates a decent amount of people.
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Um, but hashtag misfit athlete do that in your games profile, um, and we'll go through and and sort of you know, do the shout outs like we have in years past and for any you know newer listeners since last year's open or just for this podcast.
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Those podcasts are going to drop at some point on tuesdays.
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We'll record on tuesday and then turn it around, um, you know, by the end of the day sort of a thing, but there's no sort of timely like concern because it's after the open workouts actually happen.
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Um, so we'll kind of break things down and do that on tuesdays.
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Um, want to give a shout out to Misfit Athlete, my remote athlete, mckenna Enslin, full tear of her ATFL in her ankle coming down on a rope.
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Brutal timing, obviously, just literally just this past weekend leading into the open, this past weekend leading into the open, um, I've been talking with her, talking about what we're going to do about it and what we're doing for grip strength and pressing and bench and fucking asshole ryan mckay did beat me in the cube test while sitting down on a box on the ski erg.
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Um, there are ways to move the needle in all situations and I think we all kind of know that deep down, some people that shy away from it, like either need a break or they're like down in the dumps about it and they kind of skip over.
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But, like, I've personally been injured so many times and it's like if I want to get out there and get after it, I can get out there and get after it.
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So we'll, we'll figure out what to do for her.
00:14:01.903 --> 00:14:11.115
But wanted to give her a shout out just because she works so fucking hard and makes the sacrifices and digs into the mental side and does all the things you want a remote athlete to do.
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Um, so she'll, she'll, she'll bounce back stronger from this, for sure.
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But um wanted to give that shout out cause, man, that fucking timing is just not the easiest pill to swallow from the athlete perspective, for sure.
00:14:24.822 --> 00:14:25.544
Yeah that sucks.
00:14:25.544 --> 00:14:27.845
00:14:27.845 --> 00:14:32.537
Upcoming programming um, this one will jump out at people.
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We've made this announcement a decent amount of times.
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We're going to send some emails out about it.
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I'm going to record a video on it.
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Um, but semi-finals prep for athletes who are trying to peak for online semifinals starts on Monday, march 10th.
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Um, so that means that you will start semifinals prep during week three of the open Um.
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The schedule is a Tuesday, wednesday situation to start, or I guess you could do Monday, tuesday, rest Wednesday and then do Thursday, friday, saturday for your training that you know, your two on one off, three on one off, is is up to you, um.
00:15:04.904 --> 00:15:08.836
But that Saturday for your training that you know your two on one off, three on one off, is is up to you, um, but that does start then.
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So if you are a subscriber and you are trying to peak for that, make sure you get in touch with us.
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Um, and again, there will be more content related to this um.
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But get in touch with us and we'll give you a discount code, um, to get a hundred percent off the program.
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The program will be per sale for everybody in our marketplace and it's a seven-week peaking schedule to get you there, but if you are already a subscriber it will be free for you.
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So make sure if you're trying to peak for that, then you let us know.
00:15:37.822 --> 00:15:40.826
Off-season block number one starts on March 24th.
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So basically, one week of sanity checking, post Um, and then we jump into the world of, uh, strength, bias, conditioning, bias.
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Um, got some really cool stuff and I'm excited to do that podcast to talk to you guys about what's what's changed there.
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But, um, just sort of keep your calendars circled there.
00:16:02.246 --> 00:16:10.384
And then Hunter um um, when does the next misfit affiliate phase start?
00:16:10.926 --> 00:16:20.042
I believe, it's right around the same time yeah, I think we sunk, sunk, sink up, sunk up the time.
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Yeah, the last day is march 22nd, so, or the 24th Monday, march 24th, will be the start of that phase and that'll be the last phase of the 2025 kind of training season before we, very much a jack of all trades, master of none type of phase, like we've been leaning into very specific things for a while.
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We're going to get in and get after it in a very GPP kind of sense.
00:16:54.152 --> 00:17:02.552
And you can get a two week free trial on StreamFit, sugarwad, pushpress, all those places.
00:17:02.552 --> 00:17:04.041
So make sure you go check out our affiliate programming.
00:17:04.041 --> 00:17:05.003
All right, hunter, push press, um, all those places.
00:17:05.003 --> 00:17:05.660
So make sure you go check out our affiliate programming.
00:17:05.660 --> 00:17:10.351
All right, hunter, trip down memory lane here.
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Little bit of shit talking, a little bit of predictions, all that kind of stuff.
00:17:16.601 --> 00:17:22.954
Um, do you have any stories that come to mind relating to the open?
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When you think about the open, neither competing think about the open, neither competing or coaching.
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Is there anything that really pops into your head?
00:17:30.201 --> 00:17:39.741
yeah, uh, there's a a lot of coaching ones, but the coaching ones were are like sporadic and spread out quite a bit.
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Um, so I plucked uh one, that, the one that when I saw that prompt, I was like this is the one that stands out the most.
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It is about me, which I don't particularly like, but I think it'll be a funny story for people to empathize with.
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So 2014, the year I qualified for regionals, the open was five weeks long.
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I'd be curious to know how many listeners to this podcast have never experienced a five-week open.
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But lucky you I'm gonna be talking about a seven-week open, so go ahead okay, yeah, fair enough, that's fuck.
00:18:16.730 --> 00:18:19.236
uh, 14 point.
00:18:19.236 --> 00:18:27.428
And so context, a little bit of context for this my, I had this was going to be like my best opportunity to qualify for regionals.
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I was getting ready to like literally during the 2014 open.
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I actually did the first two workouts in Maine, I did the third workout in New York city and then the last two workouts in Virginia, um, kind of at the start of my, my military, my time in the Marine Corps, um, so it was like the really the last.
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They're really the only good opportunity I was going to have to have had trained for a full year and potentially qualified, because the next year, you know, was going to be predominantly military stuff.
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Um, 14.2 was the overhead squat, chest-to-bar workout.
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So it was every three minutes you had to do two rounds of 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 10 overhead squats.
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The next three-minute interval was 12 and 12.
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The next three-minute interval was 14, 14, 16, 16.
00:19:19.374 --> 00:19:26.682
It was one of those workouts where, if you wanted a good score, it was really important that you got kind of into a certain window.
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It's like, you know, a workout that cuts you off obviously limits how many reps you're going to get, and opening up three additional minutes to rack up reps was pretty significant.
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So attempt number one was on our normal Friday.
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Yeah, there we go.
00:19:44.776 --> 00:19:48.227
Attempt number one was on the normal Friday and I did not.
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Basically it was obvious that I needed to get into the round of 18 and 18.
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So I had to do 10-10, 12-12, 14-14.
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And the first attempt I failed somewhere very close to completing two rounds of 16 and 16.
00:20:02.871 --> 00:20:10.801
Retest Monday morning Didn't do it.
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Retest Monday afternoon and the first retest Monday morning was like very similar score.
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So I don't know if we can, maybe, seb, you can do quick calculator math on what the total rep scheme there is, specifically of the old chest to bar pull ups.
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But attempt number low official attempt number two Monday morning similar score minutes into the workout, because I was angry through the grip Did the full meltdown.
00:20:52.165 --> 00:20:53.869
Fuck yeah, dude Sad yeah.
00:20:53.950 --> 00:20:58.209
Hell yeah, even I had one of those about an hour later.
00:20:58.450 --> 00:20:59.011
And this is now.
00:20:59.011 --> 00:21:08.522
So it's Monday after Monday afternoon, east Coast time, deadline is 8 pm, it is now like 5 or 6 pm and I'm like I like I got to do this.
00:21:08.522 --> 00:21:16.491
If you want to qualify like, you have to get the reps in this workout, otherwise you're going to be digging yourself out of a hole for the for the next three workouts.
00:21:16.491 --> 00:21:40.994
And third attempt on Monday I broke into the round of 18 and I finished 18 overhead squats, 18 pull ups, 18 more-ups, 18 more overhead squats and then two chest-to-bar pull-ups, which is obviously like 56 more reps than I would have gotten otherwise, which was good enough for 23rd in the region.
00:21:40.994 --> 00:21:44.940
But yeah, that's always a fun story.
00:21:44.940 --> 00:21:45.505
The carnage, the grip, carn.
00:21:45.505 --> 00:21:49.423
Fun story the the carnage, the grip carnage, the hand carnage was was real.
00:21:49.423 --> 00:21:59.309
Um, and good fucking lord, I could not imagine what making that many attempts at that volume of a workout would do to me today.
00:21:59.309 --> 00:22:00.713
Is that right?
00:22:00.713 --> 00:22:03.039
Yeah, that looks about right.
00:22:03.059 --> 00:22:05.923
120 I knew it was over 100, so yeah, I knew it was over 100.
00:22:05.942 --> 00:22:07.064
So it was over 100.
00:22:07.064 --> 00:22:09.726
On Monday morning at least 100.
00:22:09.726 --> 00:22:20.236
It was close to 100 chest-to-bar pull-ups on Monday morning, a few more pull-ups Monday afternoon and then 124 pull-ups Monday evening.
00:22:20.236 --> 00:22:29.547
Yeah, and to be honest, how I did not contract rdo is actually beyond me, but age yeah for sure.
00:22:29.547 --> 00:22:33.297
Yeah, yeah, 2024 is a good time to be stupid with your body.
00:22:33.356 --> 00:22:38.887
I think you should also, like crossfit did something for you that year.
00:22:38.887 --> 00:22:44.182
That, like, is an example of them being cool, which I can.
00:22:44.182 --> 00:22:47.369
I have enough fingers to talk about how many times I've seen that happen.
00:22:47.369 --> 00:22:54.084
Um, just in terms of letting you like switch regions and stuff, I I'm sure it had something to do with with the military.
00:22:54.084 --> 00:22:56.669
Um, yeah, I thought that was pretty great.
00:22:57.415 --> 00:23:00.348
Yeah, yeah, they been just alluding to like.
00:23:00.348 --> 00:23:02.740
I started the open in the Northeast, I finished the open in the northeast.
00:23:02.740 --> 00:23:06.027
I finished the open in the mid-atlantic, which I don't actually know if I I don't.
00:23:06.027 --> 00:23:09.132
I think I did the math once.
00:23:09.132 --> 00:23:12.066
I don't think that I would have qualified in the northeast.
00:23:12.066 --> 00:23:14.335
The northeast was always the most stacked region.
00:23:14.958 --> 00:23:41.531
Yeah northeast was crazy only by like europe, like an entire continent compared to in all, 13 colonies over here, but um yeah different time, for sure, but uh, that was, that's, that's my, that's my story seb gets to hear this for the first time, long-time listeners get to hear most of these stories for the 400th time.
00:23:41.531 --> 00:23:45.821
Um, but the I just like it's.
00:23:45.821 --> 00:23:51.874
It's like the story is a seminal moment in my career from like a thousand different angles.
00:23:51.874 --> 00:23:56.442
So crossfit partners with reebok 2011.
00:23:56.442 --> 00:24:11.172
They start the open um, they create the whatever gamescrossfitcom I can't remember exactly if that was the link or not and the idea was there's going to be six weeks, um, and that was going to feed people to the regional system.
00:24:11.172 --> 00:24:16.397
Um, they actually had the, the regionals at um for us, us at Reebok HQ.
00:24:16.458 --> 00:24:37.971
Back then, um, and the first workout that was programmed was um, amrap, 10 minutes, 30 double unders, 15 power snatch at 75 pounds and, um, the uh, crossfit MF was in my garage.
00:24:37.971 --> 00:24:40.673
I opened an affiliate in my home.
00:24:40.673 --> 00:24:43.974
People were pooping in my bathroom using all my toilet paper.
00:24:43.974 --> 00:24:44.815
It was.
00:24:44.815 --> 00:25:08.631
It was weird, um, but I was in my garage from my bedroom, my living room, my kitchen, my dining room, and just go work out whenever I wanted and had basically anything that I would need.
00:25:08.631 --> 00:25:11.959
Um, and back then you could do the like same thing.
00:25:11.959 --> 00:25:15.132
You could video your workout if you didn't have a judge that was there for you.
00:25:15.132 --> 00:25:31.132
Um, so that workout comes out and kills me, like, absolutely murders me, like basically went from like I know everything about being an athlete and coaching to programming, to within one workout, I know absolutely nothing.
00:25:31.132 --> 00:25:34.980
I'm a fucking idiot, um, and it's just.
00:25:34.980 --> 00:25:40.713
You know, obviously now on paper, athlete iq, coach, iq, you can see how something like that wouldn't be that fun.
00:25:40.713 --> 00:25:54.906
Bouncing back and forth like that's like Randy plus 300 double-unders or more than Randy Double Randy plus 300 double-unders, yay, that sounds super fun.