00:00:01.346 --> 00:00:06.608
We're all misfits, all right, you big, big bunch of misfits.
00:00:06.608 --> 00:00:15.368
You're a scrappy little misfit, just like me Biggest bunch of misfits I've ever seen either.
00:00:17.521 --> 00:00:18.486
Good morning misfits.
00:00:18.486 --> 00:00:22.211
You are tuning into another episode of the Misfit Podcast.
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On today's episode we're going to be bouncing all over the place.
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We're going to be talking about Open Prep.
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We're going to be talking about the World Fitness Project, a potential misfit community competition.
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I'm going to bury the lead a little bit there and then potentially end with some things that I like to think about when we cross over into the new year that might be a little bit healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.
00:00:47.593 --> 00:00:56.014
Than kind of the usual shit that people do and say probably more say than do related to the new year.
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So we've had a bunch of not rigid episodes but episodes that were very much boom, boom, boom going down the line.
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So I wanted to open it back up to something that was a little bit more free form this week, before we get into all of that different stuff happy Open Prep Day, phase three, and Open Prep start at misfitathleticscom today and we have the 14-day free live on fitter so you can go in, you can get started.
00:01:26.075 --> 00:01:30.143
Uh, two weeks for free um to to check out any of our programs.
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Um, really quickly, if you are like a hundred percent positive that you're qualifying for semifinals, kind of top thousand athlete in the world in your division.
00:01:38.408 --> 00:01:42.743
Um, you can get signed up for phase three, which is the MFT program.
00:01:42.743 --> 00:01:49.706
If you're 1000 through a hundred thousand, make sure you get signed up for that hatchet program.
00:01:49.706 --> 00:01:53.043
And then teens and masters we have our age group program.
00:01:53.043 --> 00:01:57.240
So head over to misfitathleticscom, get yourself over to fitter.
00:01:57.240 --> 00:02:03.362
You can also do that through some Lincoln bio stuff in our socials to get signed up for a 14 day free trial.
00:02:03.362 --> 00:02:07.412
And, as always before anything serious, we've got a little live chat.
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What's going on, hunter?
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What's going on?
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Just finished the last 5x5, the Team.
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Misfit Affiliate Phase cycle.
00:02:16.587 --> 00:02:19.004
Has it worked?
00:02:19.004 --> 00:02:19.586
It's working.
00:02:19.606 --> 00:02:20.449
Yeah, uh-huh.
00:02:21.241 --> 00:02:29.044
It's getting heavier and got miserable linearly, as expected.
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yeah uh, yeah, and it always works what was the, what was the range for you?
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Where'd you start and where'd you end?
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uh, today was started at 305 and hit 335 was my heaviest, so oh boy um, yeah, 335 was the test five rep max that I hit, which is say below, below what I would would hope.
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Maybe hope typically, but having not squatted a whole bunch, that was a good starting point.
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Um, when you don't like it's, it's.
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It's something that's interesting.
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It's actually like a segue to the final topic of the episode, so we'll forget, but maybe we'll remember it at a certain point.
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If you're not chasing a number or a competition or etc.
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You know that you're probably going to lean.
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Or if're a smart athlete, you're going to probably start to lean towards hitting sets that you're positive, you're going to hit and moving really well and maybe standing up faster and creating the force production and creating the stimulus versus flirting with.
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Can I hit this?
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You know, am I using an all-time max for my percentages from 2001?
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That kind of thing.
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So things like this change in the way that you execute this specific set I feel like is so important in relation to talking about whether you're happy about a number or not yeah, I've been.
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I actually, as I was putting weights away, I was like I think this is and I don't think I know for sure this is the the one program that I've done the most.
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Uh, as far as like lifting cycles and stuff like that, like doing the did some of the misfit the lifting cycles back in the day I did the volume back squat phase, probably once or probably twice total Done like west side speed and heavy days, and that works like.
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That's not the sweet spot for me personally and I think it's actually like a pretty small segment of the population that that works really well for.
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Um, but yeah, this is the.
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I think I've done the texas method, or like and modified texas method, you know, without the five rep max day every week, um, well, the most, by far the most time.
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So, and I can think back of like yep, I've hit, I've hit this, I've hit that.
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I remember like the first time I hit 365 for five, a long time.
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That's a, that's a kind of a benchmark sort of weight as far as plate math is concerned.
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And then, um, yeah, so the, the ranges.
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I think to your point, like, because I've done it so many times, it's like I know fairly quickly whether or not it's going to be like hey, is this going to be a phase where you you push for a new five rep max sort of thing like an all time sort of deal, or is this going to be like you know, I kind of know where I'm at in my fitness this year, this time of year, whatever it is, and say like, okay, like I'm just trying to get get heavy, get some weight on my back.
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It's going to make my legs stronger, going to improve my fitness everywhere else.
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So whether or not it's a new all time five rep max or five by five or whatever is, is way less important to me, having done this so many times and knowing that's like Well, and it's proven.
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like, like, a lot of people can't see the forest through the trees.
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You get distracted by the shiny object.
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People over a long enough time horizon look at the whiteboard and want to know why your scores are what they are, and it's probably because you don't get obsessed with.
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Okay, I didn't like the 335 number or whatever it is, so now I'm going to squat nine times a week and my condition is going to go to shit or my knee is going to start bothering me or any of these like number of things are going to happen.
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And when we ask you, how are you the fitness robot?
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You're like, I've worked out five or six days a week for 10,000 years and it's like, okay, like in, in in doing the thing.
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The way that you do it, I think, is how stuff like that actually happens.
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Like be consistent across the board?
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yeah, I think so, and I still do like I'll still film some.
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I filmed some sets.
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I'm working through like a little bit of a hip thing, um.
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So I like feel like I'm squatting, maybe slightly off center, trying to avoid that, and like just work on little things.
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So I still you know, I've still got videos on one the coaches I app, so that's how old the videos are and two from 2016 to 2017, of like.
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Here's a set of five front squats from april 27, 2016.
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Like good job, um, but yeah, I still, I'll still throw the camera up to check, kind of do a little form check on myself, because I'm usually lifting in an open gym.
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But yeah, retest week for the affiliates on Monday.
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So mine might sound boring.
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Maybe it is boring, I don't know.
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Boring, uh, maybe it is boring, I don't know, um, but if you've listened to this podcast long enough, you know that I like to talk about like systems and standards that I have to put in place for myself, otherwise I might spin off the earth.
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Um, I'm a kind of a freewheeling kind of guy and you realize over time you want a different outcome to certain things.
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You got to come up with a different path to get there.
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So one of the things that I want to focus on this year is paying closer attention to some financial stuff, but more on a day-to-day kind of a thing.
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Some like financial stuff, but more on like a day-to-day kind of a thing.
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Um, and again, like I'm not necessarily doing this because I think I don't have any money or I think I have too much money or anything like that, but it's more like um, almost 40, I've got a kid like maybe I'll, I'll pay attention to the fact that I could spend like thousands of dollars less per quarter by just fucking, like locking in on certain things.
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So the two probably not surprising the two things that I'm working on right now are meat and coffee.
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Bro, meat and coffee.
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There's got to be other places to trim the fat.
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You don't want to know what my meat and coffee budget is currently um so with the coffee and maybe I'll remember to do this on instagram I am looking for the four pound bag of whole bean coffee.
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Um, that gets me down back into the like one to two dollars per cup range, because coffee has gotten absurd.
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It doesn't matter where you go, like.
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We're talking like used to be in the ten dollar range for a decent bag of coffee and we're talking 15 to 20, um, and when you do the math, you're like now, for a pour over, I'm spending three dollars a cup, or you know whatever.
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It is just too much at home.
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At home, which is like you know, the narrative has always been stop buying.
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I mean, I was never buying the fucking unicorn razzle dazzle from fucking starbucks or whatever it's called, but like.
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So what I did a seasonal delight is I.
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What I would have done back in the day is I would have ordered a bunch of four pound bags of coffee and if they sucked, I would have thrown them in the trash.
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So, I have ordered four 16 ounce bags that have an affordable four pound bag option and I'm going to test all four and decide which one or ones I'm going to go with from there, and then we can get back down into like one to two dollar range per cup kind of a situation um.
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So that's, that's what's step number one size, how many like well I was doing it based on 400 grams of water.
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That's like not actually a standard cup of coffee.
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Standard cup of coffee is closer to like 300 grams okay like that kind of thing.
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But like if, if I make a rule about how many cups of coffee I'm allowed to have, I ain't doing.
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No, 300 gram fucking cup of coffee, sorry.
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So that's that's whatever one, 14 000 gram yeah.
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So that's 25 grams of coffee beans.
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So then you just do the math on 25 grams divided by however many grams are in the bag.
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So I'm interested to see if any of these are good, and maybe I'll take some suggestions from people on social media.
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And by maybe I mean I won't, probably, unless I trust you, because you're going to hit me with some fucking dark roast trash that you put fucking superfood peppermint creamer in and we're not going to ever be ever be able to talk again.
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So let's just not go there.
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Okay, we got a front runner.
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Do you have a front runner brand wise?
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The two brands that I found that have good reputations but could just be because they're good marketers, are Black Rifle and Collectivo, and Collectivo is actually one that we've had a bunch of out in Madison, so they've got, I think, two or three light roasts that they have a $75 four pound bag of, and then Black Rifle is very similar.
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So I ordered those and I'll let you guys know how they are.
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And maybe, just maybe, because, like, if you have unlimited resources or just are like this is where I'm going to spend my fucking money, I suggest ordering some four pound bags of tandem.
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You can order them online.
00:12:01.994 --> 00:12:03.335
It's fucking great, but it's over 100.
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It's over 100 bucks for that.
00:12:05.096 --> 00:12:08.998
So, over the course of the year, every four pound bag, that's an extra 25 dollars.
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You know it, it, it goes up for sure.
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Um, and then on the, the meat side is bad, and one of the reasons why it's bad, and and because you don't have a costco membership like a grown-up.
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Oh, just wait for it, just wait for it.
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So I get frustrated with this whole like meal prep situation because it's hard to buy and cook in bulk.
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Like I've gotten better about it because I cook the same meat for my son as I do for myself and like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be sketchy about like how long I let the meat sit in the fridge before he eats it.
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Like for me, when his expires, I eat the leftover.
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It's kind of a thing and I've never had an issue.
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So it is what it is.
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But, um, it's, it's fucking hard to like.
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I mean, you know your, your, your schedule is not that much different than mine.
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We're just doing different things throughout the course of it.
00:13:05.947 --> 00:13:14.200
But when you got to cook a bunch of meat two or three times a week at night, it just gets old, Right?
00:13:15.000 --> 00:13:28.166
And if I want to eat 200 grams of protein a day and I want like, let's say I'm on a cut and I'm not giving myself any liquid calories or something like that, that's a decent amount of meat, you make this giant bag of chicken or whatever, and then it's just gone.
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And then also what comes with that and buying it in lower quantities is the cost.
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So I finally went to Costco, finally got the membership, finally went to Costco.
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My wife was looking, so I did have to buy the organic chicken because it's for Carter.
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I don't know how a living being couldn't be made of organic material.
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It's a fucking chicken and it's chicken breast, so there's no fat.
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So what are we talking about?
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I will probably go like one and one the next time I go there.
00:14:03.010 --> 00:14:04.436
One conventional one, organic, like that kind of thing.
00:14:04.394 --> 00:14:07.163
Probably go like one and one the next time I go there one conventional one, uh yeah, don't worry about you know, organic like that kind of thing.
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It's also not that much different, at least at like I go to sam's club, but it's not.
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No, it's not.
00:14:14.051 --> 00:14:18.322
It's not like a knot is not it's not a massive difference, um.
00:14:18.643 --> 00:14:28.986
so I went to costco um a couple bucks a pound cheaper on the chicken, which is nice compared to what I normally get Way cheaper on the ground beef.
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Problem with the ground beef is their organic and their grass-fed are both 85-15.
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And I'm probably not going to donate that many of my macros because of how much protein I'm trying to get to just beef Like.
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I would rather cook in more olive oil and put that over the top, for you know how good it is for heart health and stuff like that.
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So, um the so I got the chicken for a leaner ground beef.
00:15:01.625 --> 00:15:05.119
Exactly yeah, and I don't eat the meal itself is not low in fat For a leaner ground beef?
00:15:05.139 --> 00:15:23.773
Exactly yeah, and I don't eat the meal itself is not low in fat, but I would rather get my fat from another source, both for health and flavor profile, but to add it in the beef, exactly, but I'm looking at the steak because that's one thing, that's one thing that's an issue with me is I just do chicken breast and ground beef because it's easy.
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But then that's the day where you've like your resources are limited in your brain and you're like I don't fucking want this again.
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And then you should.
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You know, just got to get a pizza from monty's.
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Um, so they, I'm looking at it and it's like it's.
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It's interesting because it's.
00:15:43.648 --> 00:15:46.813
It's still fairly expensive, not compared to other places.
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Steak is just expensive across the board.
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So I find these fucking top sirloin hockey pucks.
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You could kill a guy with one of these things.
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They're like twice as thick as a filet and you could butterfly it and just pan sear it probably.
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But because it's higher protein, lower fat, you're probably not going to break the tissue down.
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So I took these.
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This actually happened because my Traeger something electrical in it shit the bed.
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But I took all six of these things, six pounds and I put it in the oven and went 250 degrees in the oven until I got the steaks up to 120.
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I would normally, if I was going to eat it in the moment, I'd probably go 125.
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But if I'm going to reheat these things over the course of the week in different ways, I like to go a little bit closer to rare man.
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When you go like a top-end medium rare and then you cook it in the pan after, like chop it up, it's not great.
00:16:52.385 --> 00:16:52.447
00:16:53.440 --> 00:16:58.147
So 120, and it took a while, but that's actually a good thing.
00:16:58.147 --> 00:17:17.093
So, like one of the reasons why you do the reverse sear is because you're breaking like that slower cooking is breaking a lot of the stuff down protein structure, you know, fat, like that sort of thing um, so I did that and then I reverse seared all of them and if you are in the pan yeah.
00:17:17.554 --> 00:17:35.753
so oven at 250 until they reached 120 and then, um, hot pan a little bit, a little bit of oil, and like they came out fucking perfect, which is great, but they're so far doing really well, reheating in like different ways.
00:17:35.753 --> 00:17:52.167
It's like night one it was just steak and rice, like how you would normally eat a steak, but then, like another night, it was like, okay, I'm gonna go like mexican took, you know, my 75 grams of protein, I chopped the shit out of it and then I, you know, spice it up and all that good stuff and it was fucking great.
00:17:52.268 --> 00:18:23.708
So, um, if you know how to cook, if you trust yourself, um, it would be really annoying to cook six pounds of steak and have it come out shitty because it takes a while but you trust yourself, yeah if you, if you trust yourself to do it, I think next time I will probably go three pounds cooked in the same way and then I'll probably put three pounds in the slow cooker, because then it's just like like or instant pot, whatever pressure cooker like, then it's just that's a quicker meal situation.
00:18:24.209 --> 00:18:25.611
Yeah, kind of go pull on that side.
00:18:25.611 --> 00:18:26.132
Do you have an air fryer?
00:18:27.114 --> 00:18:27.294
I do.
00:18:28.220 --> 00:18:35.974
There's a so I've heard, so I experimented with air frying a steak a steak that wasn't like the highest quality.
00:18:36.019 --> 00:18:37.365
I hear it goes well with a ribeye.
00:18:39.080 --> 00:18:39.241
00:18:39.241 --> 00:18:40.323
So what I?
00:18:40.323 --> 00:18:46.032
I've heard it goes better if you go straight from frozen, which is very strange.
00:18:46.953 --> 00:18:47.295
I've heard that.
00:18:47.500 --> 00:18:56.313
Well, I mean if it slows it down then the idea of yeah, I think if it's defrosted already and you put it in the air fryer, I think it just dries it out.
00:18:56.313 --> 00:18:59.667
I think it just I'm not sure what it is.
00:18:59.667 --> 00:19:03.872
It was just a little bit tough, but I've heard air fry from frozen.
00:19:04.523 --> 00:19:06.901
I have heard that too, yeah and it comes out really good.
00:19:06.901 --> 00:19:29.106
I'll have to experiment with from frozen, but yeah, I was just trying to think of easy and that's obviously the the ribeyes from super well though butcher box are really fucking good and, like I would say, medium tier, affordable and those I've heard like, because somehow they make the exact same steak every time, which is a little terrifying.
00:19:29.789 --> 00:19:47.134
But like they, what they send you is so similar that I've heard that from the freezer butcher box ribeye to the air fryer it's like, like you know whatever, a six or seven out of ten steak in like you fucking walk in the house, you throw that thing in there you go about your business and then you have a pretty good steak.
00:19:47.275 --> 00:19:48.039
Yeah, that kind of thing.
00:19:48.160 --> 00:19:54.955
So, um, all right, maybe, maybe, yeah I, I would say on that costco game though.
00:19:55.396 --> 00:20:02.491
Good quality, too right, and like 7.99 a pound, it's the it's the, it's the um blade tenderized.
00:20:02.531 --> 00:20:04.284
That's the name of the game at the.
00:20:04.284 --> 00:20:14.953
At the like your Sam's Club and your Costco, they have this machine with a trillion tiny needles and they send that bad boy down into all your steaks so that they're pre-tenderized.
00:20:14.953 --> 00:20:19.647
Even if you do suck at cooking, you don't need to fucking replace your molar once you're done.
00:20:19.647 --> 00:20:31.540
All right, uh, all right, I want to.
00:20:31.540 --> 00:20:33.345
So to open prep um for hatchet athletes in phase three for mft athletes starts today.
00:20:33.365 --> 00:20:34.366
This podcast drops monday, january 13th.
00:20:34.366 --> 00:20:36.550
Don't forget your 14-day free trial on fitter.
00:20:36.550 --> 00:20:39.895
I want to.
00:20:39.895 --> 00:21:00.990
I know a lot of people listen to this podcast right when it comes out on Monday and they're going to see the volume and the programming for tomorrow and I want to talk a little bit through what our expectation of that programming and what that day would look like from what we would consider a competitor standpoint.
00:21:00.990 --> 00:21:07.963
So the only two things that are on hatchet open prep week one, day two, are squat snatch.
00:21:07.963 --> 00:21:18.214
We have nine sets of squat snatch, echo bike flush, one K between each set and then we have two, two and a half minute am wraps in an interval.
00:21:18.576 --> 00:21:19.240
That's the whole day.
00:21:19.240 --> 00:21:35.465
So you're looking at 15 minutes of potential time under tension or time spent at an elevated heart rate, and I think a lot of people would overhead squat hold before the squat snatch.
00:21:35.465 --> 00:21:48.085
I see three minutes of couch stretch per side.
00:21:48.085 --> 00:21:50.680
I see working on your ankles.
00:21:50.680 --> 00:21:54.008
You know getting that band of distraction and plopping that.
00:21:54.008 --> 00:22:00.419
You know sandbag up onto your knee and getting out over your toe and then into, I mean, that session.
00:22:00.419 --> 00:22:02.603
You've got like man.
00:22:02.603 --> 00:22:06.650
You've got 20 to 30 minutes of rest between sets.
00:22:06.650 --> 00:22:11.727
So if you got that, you get 9K of echo biking as a flush between those sets.
00:22:11.727 --> 00:22:12.367
To think about that.
00:22:12.367 --> 00:22:15.518
So we are already trending towards.
00:22:15.959 --> 00:22:34.098
You know, a lifting session like this with the warmup is 45 to 60 minutes um for a competitor and then we roll over to the interval and I see a 15 minute machine warmup where you go from and you could reverse this order depending on your priorities as an athlete.
00:22:34.098 --> 00:22:39.019
For sure, a lot of athletes like to get in and get after it and then lift um so that they feel really loose.
00:22:39.019 --> 00:22:44.067
So we have a 15 minute machine warmup for this Um.
00:22:44.067 --> 00:22:50.976
So you're looking at, you know, your five, five, five where you go from basically cold all the way up to like a zone two pace.
00:22:50.976 --> 00:22:56.070
Um, we have warming up, um, the actual movement.
00:22:56.070 --> 00:23:26.999
So, going through your KIPP swings, checking in on your movement progression, with the total bar two, 75 slash, 185 deadlift here, um, you know, we're activating the posterior chain where you know banded walks around the gym and our clam shells If you struggle with the low back issues and our glute bridges, um, and then you know, maybe you know the, the little sort of primer piece where it's, you know, a practice round or whatever it is, um, and then we do this piece and it only takes seven minutes, with the rest built into the interval.
00:23:26.999 --> 00:23:31.098
And then you have to finish the curve, as they say in the endurance community.
00:23:31.098 --> 00:23:44.963
We're going to get popped back onto those machines and basically take ourselves from peak heart rate towards the end, all the way back down to that resting, close to that resting heart rate, before we look into doing some mobility et cetera.
00:23:44.963 --> 00:23:57.838
This could very, very easily take two hours plus if you're doing your mobility to cool down and you consider the time it takes to make sure your hydration's where it's at and you're doing your post-workout nutrition.
00:23:58.180 --> 00:24:04.029
So this is not like I have to restrain myself.
00:24:04.029 --> 00:24:09.086
So, as a customer, if you're like this is what they're giving me, this is me showing restraint.
00:24:09.086 --> 00:24:13.625
If I get to crack my knuckles and write 19 Metcons, I will.
00:24:13.625 --> 00:24:15.920
I will do it, I want to do it.
00:24:15.920 --> 00:24:28.546
But it's like how do we again we talked about it in the last episode how do we build the habits early, when the volume is low, so that they really hold us up and hold us to a standard and make us perform better when it gets high?
00:24:28.546 --> 00:24:35.401
So I just I saw that day and I can think of some of the people, even in discord, being like where's my program?
00:24:35.401 --> 00:24:36.660
You missed something.
00:24:36.660 --> 00:24:39.462
Why isn't there 92 pieces?
00:24:39.462 --> 00:24:40.265
Like that kind of thing.
00:24:40.265 --> 00:24:55.108
And this is very intentional and meant to be the kind of day where you show up and perform like a pro and see what that feels like as an athlete um question for you because I I would if I were a listener.
00:24:55.148 --> 00:25:01.522
I might ask this let's say I squat snatch first and you said it yourself I just did 9k echo biking.
00:25:01.522 --> 00:25:11.625
Would you say that I need to do my 5-5-5 before that piece, as far as a warmup like elevating the heart rate, if I just did 9K of echo biking?
00:25:12.415 --> 00:25:13.840
I would say it depends on the athlete.
00:25:14.623 --> 00:25:21.093
If you are, Certainly, if we're splitting the sessions up, right, if we're doing two separate sessions, you need a separate warmup.
00:25:21.093 --> 00:25:22.996
Yeah, yeah, and let's say I'm going to do both.
00:25:22.996 --> 00:25:23.978
Right, if we're doing two separate sessions.
00:25:23.998 --> 00:25:25.922
You need a separate, yeah, and let's say I'm gonna do both, sure you're gonna do it so.
00:25:25.922 --> 00:25:26.523
So I'll give two examples.
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One would be um and I don't want to discount this individual, because your competitive aspirations and your free time don't always line up right could be a fucking beast, and I just don't have that much time.
00:25:38.480 --> 00:25:45.272
The 9k of Echo Biking and the Squat Snatch set you up for a really good situation.
00:25:45.272 --> 00:26:04.707
Going into the deadlift totobar, I would still want to see some activation and I would probably do one five-minute chunk where I got myself onto a rower and started to get again to oxygenate the tissues in the area that I need to, just to warm up the body in that way.
00:26:04.707 --> 00:26:07.199
But we go like four or five minute chunk there.
00:26:07.199 --> 00:26:29.796
That being said, when I look at this, there is an opportunity for the person who does have the more free time to finally work themselves into fantastic positions in the squat snatch, and then they could probably stand to, you know, get into dragon pose and pigeon pose afterwards and, you know, maybe that's the time that you jump into the sauna or whatever.
00:26:29.796 --> 00:26:30.938
It is so like.
00:26:31.338 --> 00:26:42.878
I don't think they need to be separate sessions as much as like, if you have the time, I want you to think about them singularly and how you would approach them if that was the only thing you were going to be doing on that day.