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Goon squad 4 life
Great show 👏

Favorite CrossFit podcast
Love the goon squad! I have learned a lot about how to be better from them. ❤️

I really enjoyed the podcast titled Stoicism. I am no stoic. My favorite tidbit of Stoic knowledge is when the Roman Emperor Nero asked Seneca if he would remain stoic while killing himself. As a member of the clergy I find Frankl’s logotherapy to be a better fit than quotes of ancient or modern stoic’s. Frankl’s writings on love and suffering are powerful and intersect with my favorite modern theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I will view your coaching with a new appreciation going forward. -Sherb’s comment about knowing where other people are at reminded me of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer.”

Great Podcast
Great podcast but can someone please tell Sherb the difference between stimulus and stimuli? He says stimuli all the time when speaking of a singular stimulus.

Review Sheet
Lots of great content but a 5 minute recap at the end doesn’t do it justice. Maybe a review sheet on the highlight points will definitely help apply a lot of this information.

Really funny stories and lit content.

Great Podcasts!
Informative, entertaining and just plain bad a**!

Outstanding podcast
This podcast is my new obsession while I am Driving, traveling or running. Very knowledgable coaches hands down